David Parkin

17-SEP David Parkin is a former Australian rules footballer and highly respected coach, known for his profound impact on the sport. As a player, he had a successful career with the Hawthorn and [...]


20-AUG Doug Hawley, Past President and Founder of the FORaMEAL project will speak about this wonderful initiative. FORaMEAL, a project of the Rotary Club of Canterbury is an initiative to help [...]

Grants Awarded September 2022

The second round of Balwyn Centenary Grants for 2022 has been announced. Rotary’s theme for this year is Imagine and it was very easy to imagine the difference that these small projects can make [...]


Securing an affordable rental is tough, fitting it out can be tougher! RIMERN (Rotary Inner Melbourne Emergency Relief Network) is a multi club Rotary project operating Inner Melbourne, providing [...]

Community Service Award

Balwyn Rotary is one of the three winners of the Community District Award for its From Tiny Seeds Mighty Trees Grow Project The devastating bushfires in the summer of 2020 left vast areas of East [...]

FareShare Volunteers

We had a cracking night at FareShare on Tuesday. 1320quiches equate to 2640 eggs cracked! President Anne says she never did manage to crack an egg withone hand. Too old to learn new tricks [...]