Transforming Nature Strips in BoroondaraTransforming nature strips with indigenous plants not only [...]
FORaMEAL13/08/202420-AUG Doug Hawley, Past President and Founder of the FORaMEAL project will speak about this wonderful [...]
Balwyn Rotary Birthday Party13/08/202403-SEP Join us as we celebrate our birthday. Visitors are welcome. Click HERE to book.
David Parkin12/09/202417-SEP David Parkin is a former Australian rules footballer and highly respected coach, known for his profound [...]
Transforming Nature Strips in Boroondara26/06/2024Transforming nature strips with indigenous plants not only beautifies the area but also supports local wildlife [...]
Grants Awarded September 202203/12/2022The second round of Balwyn Centenary Grants for 2022 has been announced. Rotary’s theme for this year is Imagine [...]
Community Service Award17/09/2022Balwyn Rotary is one of the three winners of the Community District Award for its From Tiny Seeds Mighty Trees [...]